Dedicated to the memory of Ismaeel Rahim

This site is a tribute to Ismaeel Rahim, who was born in Birmingham on February 05, 2012. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

Ismaeel was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old in 2014.  Since then we worked effortlessly to give Ismaeel the best support possible for his learning and development needs.  It was only then, we discovered how difficult it was to access the right services for disabled children, rather than a 'one size fits all'.

Ismaeel's seizures started before he was two, but professionals were convinced they were normal febrile seizures which most children grow out of.   After seeing two separate consultants, we believed this to be the case.  In July 2016, Ismaeel suffered a seizure lasting over an hour.  It was then he was investigated further to be later diagnosed with generalised epilepsy.

Since he had been seizure free for 5 months, Ismaeel's consultant agreed to observing his condition whilst we considered medication.  His review was due in May 2017.

Unfortunately Ismaeel passed away in his sleep on 1st April 2017 with what we now know to be as Sudden unexplained death in Epilepsy.  We were not aware of this condition and risk.  We endeavour to work with SUDEP action to raise awareness so that other families do not have to suffer what we have.

Many thanks for your support.





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